Sunday afternoon. It’s overcast and calm, about 50 degrees. The forecast is calling for rain tonight and tomorrow with a party cloudy day on Tuesday.
We are in Auke Bay, Juneau, having arrived on Friday afternoon. We had two great travel days getting here. Thursday, the wind was right on the nose until we left Tenakee Inlet, but when we turned north in Chatham Strait, the wind was on our stern. We had a wonderful run up Chatham, sometimes wing-and-wing, sometimes reaching depending on the wind shifts. At times we were hitting over 8 knots, which is about as fast as Blue Note can sustain. And because we were traveling with the wind it was warm in the sun.
We got to Funter Bay about 7 in the evening and rather than anchoring we tied to a float. Friday dawned clear and calm. We had a leisurely morning, leaving a little after 10, and arriving here around 3, after a very pleasant motorsail. What a beautiful day for October in Southeast. It was warm enough for cocktails on the foredeck at 5.
I enjoyed Tenakee Springs. Wednesday afternoon I had a nice chat with the gal who was working in Snyder Mercantile and then tried out the hot springs. A relaxing hour soak, then around the corner to the Blue Moon Café where I had a good meal and a entertaining talk with the proprietess Rosie, “The Queen of Tenakee.” Originally from the Philippines, she has lived in Tenakee since 1955! What a character.
So here we are in Auke Bay. I’m not liking it much. I was considering staying here for a week or more, perhaps even spending the winter but not now. The wifi connections here suck. There is no commercially available one in Auke Bay and I’m pirating one from whomever I can get it. It’s frustrating. The worst thing though is there isn’t anything here except a combination gas station-liquor store-minimart. Everything is at least 2 miles away via a road whose speed limit is 50. Not much fun on a bicycle. Yesterday I took the bus three miles to Fred Meyer. It’s actually a pretty good bus service. But since I had to get dog food I had to take a cab back, an $18 ride. I’m thinking of heading down Stephens Passage towards Petersburg on Tuesday. We’ll see.
If the connection holds I’ll try to upload some pics of Tenakee.
It sounds like you are really having a good time, though mixed at times. Reading about your run around Tenakee and Chatham Strait reminds me of all the adventures we had in PWS. At least now you sail by your own clock (and tides and weather, of course). Sounds relaxing and fun. Leaves are just hanging by a thread now. Not long now until "you-know-what" will start to fly. Aren't you glad you aren't here to enjoy it?! Be safe. Give Jazz a scratch behind the ears from all of us. Hugs to you, A & D